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Bank Jugging

Holidays are quickly approaching, please be mindful of bank jugging. Bank jugging refers to a type of crime that involves stealing money from people who have just withdrawn cash from a bank or ATM. The perpetrator follows the victim to a new location, then robs them.

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Loaning Into The Future

Consumer Loans, Non-Residential Real Estate Loans, Residential Real Estate Loans, Business Commercial Loans, Agricultural Loans

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Digital Banking

Mobile Banking App, Online Banking, Business Banking, Positive Pay

Farmers in the field working on a tablet

A Friendly, Hometown Bank

From modest beginnings on Monday, August 19, 1919, Columbus State Bank has built a reputation of financial strength, friendly community service, and excellence in customer service.

Columbus State Bank is committed to Columbus and the surrounding areas by providing modern, professional, and convenient banking services from friendly, hometown people.